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Carlita PMU - Ottawa Microblading and permanent makeup

Carlita PMU & Microblading

Enhance your natural beauty with the expert touch of a Permanent Makeup Artist services in Ottawa, Ontario

Carlita PMU - Microblading Ottawa and Permanent Makeup Artist


Permanent Makeup Artist &
Registered Nurse

Carlita is a certified permanent makeup artist (PMU) and professional registered nurse. Specializing in ombre brows, eyeliner, and lips, she provides her clients with beautiful and natural-looking results. Her mission is to help people feel their best by enhancing their features with permanent makeup. Carlita’s vision is to make permanent makeup accessible to everyone who wants it, regardless of budget or location.

PMU & Microblading Services

permanent makeup will help enhance your beauty. Carlita PMU provides these services to residence in Ottawa Ontario

Powder brows

Ottawa permanent makeup


microblading services Ottawa

Lip Blush

Some of my past clients


Infinity House of Beauty
877 Shefford Rd, Unit B
Ottawa, ON
K1J 8H9
The front door is at the back of the building.


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What is Nano Brows?

Ever wonder what nano brows are and why they’re gaining so much attention lately? Nano brows are a semi-permanent procedure that involves using a machine

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Microblading Aftercare

If you’ve recently gotten your eyebrows microbladed, congratulations! Now that you’ve achieved those perfect brows, it’s important to make sure they stay looking their best.

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Permanent makeup, also known as micropigmentation, is a cosmetic tattooing technique used to enhance facial features such as eyebrows, eyeliner, and lip color. The tattooing is done using a specialized machine and a fine needle to deposit pigments into the skin.

Permanent makeup/microblading is not actually permanent, but the results can last for several years. The longevity of the results depends on various factors such as the type of pigments used, the depth of the tattooing, and the individual’s skin type.

When done by a trained professional, permanent makeup is generally considered safe. However, as with any tattooing procedure, there are risks involved such as infection, allergic reactions, and scarring. 

The level of pain experienced during a permanent makeup procedure varies from person to person. Some people may feel only slight discomfort, while others may experience more significant pain. Your technician may use a numbing cream or local anesthesia to help minimize discomfort.

The length of a permanent makeup procedure depends on the area being treated and the individual’s skin type. In general, a procedure can take anywhere from 1-3 hours. Follow-up appointments may also be necessary to achieve the desired results.

While permanent makeup is intended to be long-lasting, it can be removed with laser tattoo removal. However, the process can be lengthy and may require multiple sessions. It’s important to consider the permanency of the procedure before deciding to get it done.

There is typically little to no downtime required after a permanent makeup procedure. However, you may experience some swelling or redness in the treated area for a few days. It’s important to follow your technician’s aftercare instructions to ensure proper healing.

About PMU & Microblading

Permanent makeup, also known as cosmetic tattooing, is a cosmetic procedure that involves the use of tattoos to enhance facial features such as eyebrows, eyeliner, and lips. This type of makeup is designed to be long-lasting, often requiring touch-ups every 1 to 5 years, and is a popular option for those who want to save time on their daily beauty routine or for those who have difficulty applying traditional makeup due to physical or visual impairments. The process of permanent makeup involves using a needle to deposit pigment into the skin, creating the appearance of makeup that will not fade or smudge. The result is a natural, long-lasting enhancement that can help boost self-confidence and improve overall appearance.